CVRS 2023


Accommodation near to the conference venue

The link below will take you to a good search engine for finding accommodation near to the conference venue. You can search location Bloomsbury, London and use the map to see prices and hotel location.

You can also search by price, recommended and by location

Please note that this is a booking site and you may wish to book direct with the hotel or through your preferred booking agency. We have suggested this site only to give you opportunity to browse through available hotels and compare prices.

The conference venue address is 30 Guilford St, London WC1N 1EH, UK and is on the corner of Lambs Conduit Street and Guilford Street:

The following is a list of some suggestions from the  site that offer a range of prices and standards, some providing the option for shared rooms. You will find many other options on the UK Hotels Link. Please note that these are not recommended conference hotels; the list is only provided to assist you in finding registered hotels and accommodation in near distance of the conference venue. 

Hotels in Bloomsbury

The President

The Tavistock

The Royal National

The Bedford Hotel

Morton Hotel

The Thistle Bloomsbury park

Mercure London Bloomsbury

Doubletree by Hilton

Ambassador Bloomsbury

Holiday Inn, London Bloomsbury

Travelodge Kings Cross

Premier Inn St Pancras

Goodenough College



Saco Holborn Lambs Conduit Street – 2 bedroom apartment (very close to venue)


2/3* Cheaper options Shared rooms available (many others available on the link)

St Athans Hotel


The Garth Hotel

The Angus Hotel

George Hotel

Alhambra Hotel


Hostel style student accommodation

Smart Russell Square Hostel


For student accommodation the following is also worth exploring, even if you are not a student:


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