CVRS 2023

The 18th Biennial Meeting of the
Child Vision Research Society
‘Child Vision and Visual Impairment
– Advances in Science and Related Practice’
12-14th July 2023

Registration is now closed!

Presentation Guides (oral & poster)

 Child Vision and Visual Impairment – Advances in Science and Related Practice 

The latest international childhood vision and visual impairment related research

12-14th July 2023
UCL GOS Institute of Child Health London

Welcome to Bloomsbury, London for the 18th Biennial Meeting of the CVRS! We are very excited to welcome researchers, clinicians and related professionals from many different countries interested in the development of vision, visual impairment and related areas of development in infancy and childhood under normal and disordered conditions. Disciplines include anatomy, neurology, ophthalmology, optometry, paediatrics, physiology, psychology and neuropsychology, behaviour and mental health, education and habilitation.    We anticipate a wonderful meeting with world-leading state of the art research from our keynote speakers and invited speakers. We have had an outstanding number of submitted abstracts and will be looking forward to the active participation of researchers from across UK, Europe, USA and Australia and elsewhere sharing their latest research through open lectures and posters. We welcome early career researchers and students who will be sharing their study designs and research findings. 

We look forward to also meeting together to  network and socially relax and we have organised a social programme with welcome reception and gala dinner and other events with this in mind. All colleagues who have accepted abstracts must register to attend the conference in order to present.  Some limited hybrid sessions may be available for those who are unable to attend the meeting in person for distance, low income country or health reasons; please let us know if you are interested.

Best wishes,

Professor Naomi Dale  MA, PhD, CPsychol, BPSDCP, BPSDoN
Associate Professor Dr Alison Salt  MSc, FRACP FRCPCH
Chairs on behalf of the Organising and Scientific committees CVRS 2023

Confirmed key note speakers 

Professor Agnes Wong (Professor of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences, University of Toronto Canada).

Associate Professor Tessa Dekker (Child Vision lab, UCL Experimental Psychology)– Oliver Braddick Memorial Lecture.

Professor Steven Dakin (Professor, School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of Auckland New Zealand).

Professor Mariya Moosajee (Professor of Molecular Biology, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology UK).

Emeritus Professor Jan Atkinson (Professor of  Psychology, UCL Faculty of Brain Sciences, Visiting Professor of University of Oxford UK).

Invited speakers 

Neuroimaging and Vision Disorders. Dr Corinna Bauer, Assistant Professor in Ophthalmology, Gordon Centre for Medical Imaging, Harvard Medical School USA.

Infancy Vision and Long-Term Neurodevelopmental Outcomes.  Professor Elisa Fazzi, Professor in Child Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Brescia, Civil Hospital Brescia Italy.

Measuring the Burden of Childhood Visual Disability at Population Level: Lessons from the British Childhood Visual Impairment Studies. Ms Ameenat Lola Solebo, NIHR Clinician Scientist, Population, Policy & Practice Dept, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health/ Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK.

Quality of Life, Adjustment and Wellbeing in Children with Visual Impairment. Dr Valerja Tadic, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Greenwich, London, UK.

Risk and Protective Factors in Neurodevelopment, Autism and Mental Health in Childhood Visual Impairment: OPTIMUM and DAiSY Cohorts, UK. Professor Naomi Dale, Professor of Paediatric Neurodisability, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health / Great Ormond Street Hospital London UK.

The Disruptive Effect of Crowding on Vision in Development and Amblyopia. John Greenwood, Associate Professor of Psychology, Experimental Psychology, UCL, London, UK.


The conference venue (UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health) is a purpose-built conference hall in the centre of London in the historic area of Bloomsbury. 

It is next door to and integrated with the world-leading Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (a major tertiary paediatric hospital of UK), which is integrated with UCL Institute of Child Health and the new pioneering Zayed Centre for Research into Rare Disease in Children (to drive new tests, treatments and cures for children with rare and complex diseases). Great Ormond Street Hospital includes a new state of the art ophthalmological Sight and Sound building for managing eye and brain-based vision disorders; the Developmental Vision clinic of the paediatric neurodisability service for managing childhood vision disorders and visual impairment; and advanced neuroimaging, neonatal, genetics, surgery, oncology, endocrinological and metabolic treatment programmes.


There will be a range of accommodation options available in hotels near to the conference venue at Institute of Child Health. These will be advertised on the CVRSoc Website soon. We hope to have reduced conference rates.


The social events will be held close to the conference venue to enjoy the atmosphere and historic environment of Bloomsbury. On Wednesday evening we will have a welcome evening reception in the Winter Garden, UCL Institute of Child Health.  There will be a Gala dinner with music and a rooftop terrace in the heart of Bloomsbury in the Summer on Thursday evening. There will also be an optional event on Friday evening to explore the London’s central canal with historic tour, canal boat trip etc.

To see further details of the conference:


We’ve received a strong range of abstracts for oral and poster presentations from the UK, Ireland and across Europe, Australia and the USA and look forward to a very interesting programme of free papers.

We also have confirmation of some fantastic Key note and Invited speakers from the UK, Europe, USA and New Zealand. We will also have a special Memorial session to honour the late Emeritus Professor Oliver Braddick who together with Janet Atkinson was so instrumental in the formation and development of the Child Vision Research Society.

Confirmed Key note speakers include:

Professor Agnes Wong (Professor of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences, University of Toronto Canada)

Associate Professor Tessa Dekker (Head of Child Vision lab, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology UK) – Oliver Braddick Memorial Lecture

Professor Steven Dakin – (Professor, School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of Auckland New Zealand)

Professor Marya Moosajee (Professor of Molecular Biology, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology UK) Professor Janet Atkinson (Emeritus Professor, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology UK)

Invited speakers will also cover the topics of:

Neuroimaging and vision disorders

Epidemiology and management needs of child visual impairment including low-Income countries

Quality of life and well-being in children with visual impairment

Developmental risks including autism spectrum disorder in children with visual impairment

Visual perception including crowding and face perception and object estimation

Evidence based clinical guidelines in screening, assessment, diagnosis and subtyping of cerebral visual impairment.


The conference venue (UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health) is in the centre of London in the historic area of Bloomsbury (including the famous “Bloomsbury circle” of authors, philosophers, political activists and artists in the early 20th century and University College London (UCL) and related university institutes).


The UCL Institute of Child Health includes research and faculty programmes of clinical and basic science researchers in ocular and brain-based vision disorders and developmental vision neuroscience which is closely affiliated with the clinical services of GOSH (see below).

The new Zayed Centre for Research into Rare Disease in Children brings together pioneering research and world-leading clinical care to drive new tests, treatments and cures for children with rare and complex diseases.


Next door is the Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) for Children NHS Trust, which is a major tertiary paediatric hospital in the UK. This includes a new state of the art ophthalmological Sight and Sound building for managing eye and brain-based vision disorders and the Developmental Vision clinic for managing childhood visual impairment of the paediatric neurodisability service and advanced neuroimaging, genetics, surgery, endocrinological and metabolic treatment programmes.


There will be a range of accommodation options available in hotels near to the conference venue at Institute of Child Health. These will be advertised on the Registration and CVRSoc Website soon. We hope to have reduced conference rates.


The social events will be held close to the conference venue to enjoy the atmosphere and historic environment of Bloomsbury. On Wednesday evening we will have a welcome evening reception in the Winter Garden, UCL Institute of Child Health. There will be a Gala dinner with music and a rooftop terrace in the heart of Bloomsbury in the Summer on Thursday evening. There will also be an optional event on Friday evening to explore London’s central canal with an historic tour, canal boat trip etc.

Watch out for Registration details. Do please forward this information to your colleagues and anyone who may be interested in this conference.

We hope to welcome you to the conference.

Best wishes,

Professor Naomi Dale BA, MSc, PhD, CPsychol, Chair of CVRS Organising Committee

Associate Professor Alison Salt FRACP FRCPCH, Chair of CVRS Scientific Committee

On behalf of the organising and scientific committees CVRS 2023



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