CVRS 2023

Abstract Layout Guidance

The length of the abstracts should not be more than one page, the maximum number of words is 250, excluding title and author information.

Title: Make the title of the abstract brief, clearly indicating the nature of the investigation.

Names of the authors: Submit the full given name(s) and the family name. Do not include degrees or professional titles. Affiliations of Authors, Town, Country.

Original studies should have the following structure (Introduction, Participants and Methods, Results, Conclusion and Relevance for science or practice)

All correspondence concerning the abstract will be sent to the submitting author’s e-mail address.

Please submit one abstract anonymised and one with author names in Microsoft Word .docx format to:

Abstract Layout Specifications

Example Abstract – Full & Anonymized Versions


Download Full Abstract Example Template (zipped .docx file, MS Office, LibreOffice Writer) – Delete the authors lines and save as copy for anonymized version; submit with your full version abstract.

Check if we have received your abstract here:

Check Your Abstract

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